Segmenting is one of the most powerful marketing tools there is. Why don't more firms do it?


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London's new The Other House hotel (Jack Hardy / Conde Nast Traveller)

šŸ”¼ Tourist arrivals in Mykonos were up by at least 20% this year. ā€œBut locals say development has gone too farā€ Ā»Ā»

šŸ”½ The amount of WiFi data streamed to at-home fitness bikes was down 23% year on year in the first of 2022. (Exercise bikes are the home WiFi devices that saw the steepest usage drop) Ā»Ā»

šŸ’¬ ā€œYou're doing more for this country than our current government.ā€ Budget meal recipes from UK creators on TikTok are surging Ā»Ā»

šŸ›©ļø South Kensington has a stylish new hotel: get to know Londonā€™s The Other House Ā»Ā»

šŸ‘— Ye is displeased with Adidas Ā»Ā»

šŸ’Ž 7. That's the percentage Rolex is hiking some new watch prices in the UK, thanks to the sliding pound Ā»Ā»


ā€œThe EU is on course to impose historic interventions in the energy market to rein in soaring prices, including considering a levy on excess profits and gas price capsā€ Ā»Ā»

This past Summer ā€œis one of the coolest of the rest of our livesā€ Ā»Ā»

A new book comes out tomorrow all about ā€œthe escape fantasiesā€ of billionaires worried about a total and complete societal breakdown. ā€œDo they know something we donā€™t?ā€ Hear from the author directly Ā»Ā»

Will AI replace actors? Ā»Ā»

Revolut is ā€œslashing crypto trading fees by 20% starting October 2022ā€ Ā»Ā»

More info on TikTokā€™s parent company's upcoming headset emerged. The thing might be more AR than VR: itā€™ll ā€œfeature an RGB camera to offer color pass-through video of oneā€™s surroundingsā€ Ā»Ā»

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And get to know Seoul Vibe, ā€œNetflix's latest big blockbuster action original out of Korea. Set in the lead-up to the historic 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, the film centres around five friends who collectively call themselves the Sanggye-dong Supreme Teamā€ Ā»Ā»

Many visitors won't need a visa to visit Taiwan from next week, as ā€œcontrols put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19ā€ are eased Ā»Ā»

ā€œToronto home prices crashed 16% in the past 5 months, and the ā€˜historic correctionā€™ isnā€™t close to done yetā€ Ā»Ā»

Amazon spent a lot of money on its new Lord of the Rings series: US$465m to produce the show, on top of the US$250m it paid for the rights. What remains to be seen: whether Prime members are interested Ā»Ā» The newsletter's author owned Amazon stock at the time of writing

ā€¦meanwhile, Amazon's ā€œputting a three-day delay on reviewsā€ for everything on Prime Video, including The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The idea is ā€œto help stave off review bombing, or the act of flooding a particular show, movie, game, or book with negative remarksā€ Ā»Ā»

ā€¦and, another show Amazon's working on called Citadel, has also quietly become one of the most expensive every produced Ā»Ā»

A Syrian billionaire bought the Rydges Sydney Harbour at The Rocks for AU$100M, ā€œsecuring the dated hotelā€ for 23% below asking. The 176 key (room) hotel has been for sale for 11 months Ā»Ā» šŸ”

Sydney's famous opera house re opened after a huge interior reno Ā»Ā»

Accenture acquired a London climate change consultancy firm called Carbon Intelligence Ā»Ā»

How WhatsApp is trying to become the WeChat of India Ā»Ā»

ā€œAppleā€™s reportedly set to reveal the AirPods Pro 2 this weekā€ Ā»Ā» The newsletter's author owned Apple stock at the time of writing

Meanwhile, Apple Maps is ā€œfinally worth usingā€ Ā»Ā»

Both brands and celebs are doubling down on NFTsā€¦ ā€œbut the market keeps tankingā€ Ā»Ā»

ā€œTesla is looking to hire recruiters in Quebec for a ā€˜high-volumeā€™ effort, indicating the automakerā€™s plans to grow in Canadaā€ Ā»Ā»

Look inside the Venice Film Festivalā€™s hottest party Ā»Ā»


Segmenting is one of the most powerful tools in a companyā€™s kit. But many early stage startups don't do this valuable exercise in earnest. They should

SEGMENTING IS ONE of the most powerful tools in a companyā€™s kit.

  • Customer or audience segmentation is exactly what it sounds like: dividing your market (or audience) into smaller sub groups based on some sort of shared characteristics.

  • And this doesn't have to be super technical, or hard to do: the characteristics you use to segment your audience be anything: like, demographic (ie., age, relationship status, location) or psychographic/behavioral (ie., a personality type that is risk averse and loves to plan v ā€œfree spirited experimentersā€).

  • I can not say enough good things about audience segmentation: it helps focus marketing effortsā€¦ and can uncover all sorts of growth, revenue, and even corporate strategy insights.

BUT. MANY EARLY stage startups don't do this valuable exercise in earnest.

  • In startupland, ā€œgrowthā€ roles typically straddle marketing, sales, and product dev. Their aim is what it sounds like: grow revenue, and thus the company.

  • PMF, as most of you will know, stands for ā€œproduct/market fit.ā€ That refers to that oh-so-desirable scenario of operating in a healthy market, with a product or service that satisfies customer demand. (Sometimes only one half of that sentence is the case.)

  • In marketing, a ā€œfunnelā€ is a model or a system of blueprinting out your customer's ideal journey, from never having heard of you, to enthusiastic and loyal customer.

  • A ā€œhigh touch funnelā€ would be one that relies on a lot of human involvement: picture junior sales people manually reaching out to hundreds of leads, and then sending the most promising ones to talented senior sales people, for them to demo the product and hopefully seal the deal.

  • A low touch funnel essentially tries to do the same set of actions, just without the humans: picture an engaging, well designed, well written, likeable survey that leads to an equally well-written series of likeable emails that push recipients to an engaging and enjoyable demo videoā€¦ and then, of course, a compelling/high value sales offer.

PROBLEM: MANY EARLY stage startups struggle with all of this, especially that first part, segmentation.

  • They shouldn't.

  • According to Anna's great LinkedIn post: a lot of startups 'ā€œoften think it doesn't pay off toā€™ segment.

  • ā€œAfter all, they might not have identified meaningful user group characteristics yet,ā€ probably making segmentation feel like a bit of random guessing game.

  • So? Her point: embrace that.

  • When startups are ā€œnot sure yet what makes a good customer,ā€ they have to look ā€œfor some ā€“ literally any ā€“ meaningful patterns.ā€

  • Founders and startup marketers: don't fight the fact that ā€œat this point, it's more art than scienceā€¦ā€ and recognize that you ā€œmight have to change your segmentation criteria multiple times.ā€

  • That's OK! Marketing is living, breathing thing that does and should always morph shapes and shift directions.

SO, WHERE TO start with all thisā€¦ and what's the point here?

  • Start segmenting simply! Keep it as basic as location. Category sophistication. Or what they've purchased from you already.

  • Her edtech startup ā€œstarted categorizing our usersā€ by:

ā€” Country

ā€” Role/Grade level (e.g. preschool teacher/homeschooling parent)

ā€” Plan (freemium/paid business yearly/paid individual yearly/paid individual monthly)

  • Doing so uncovered a few interesting country-by-country trends, including ones they couldn't explain.

  • That is not a bad thing, but rather an excellent ā€œstarting point for further (qualitative) investigation.ā€

  • Bottom line: a segmentation project is one of the most powerful levers a startup can use to achieve PMF.

  • It's also one of my marketing consultancyā€™s most recommended projects, and one we love talking about. Interested in more? Email [email protected] to let us know.


Anna Holopainenā€™s LinkedIn post Ā»Ā»

Written by Jon Kallus. Any feedback? Simply email [email protected]


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